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Terms & Conditions

Informed Consent Agreement



When registering for a Joy in Every Moment course/workshop/retreat, you are confirming that you have read and agree with the following:


  • I am aware that Ren Xue was designed to be a safe, effective, and efficient alternative modality for health and wellbeing, but it also has its limitations. I have read the information supplied below about Looking After Your Mental Health and to the best of my knowledge, I have no medical or psychological condition that makes taking part in this event not suitable for me at this time, and I assume all responsibility for my participation.


  • I understand that this course is not a substitute for medical attention, examination, diagnosis, or treatment.


  • I have read, fully understand, and agree to the terms of this Informed Consent Agreement and supporting information detailed below. I indemnify and release Fiona McLaughlin and any other Ren Xue teachers teaching at a Joy in Every Moment course/workshop/retreat from all liability for personal damage or injury to myself.



Looking After Your Mental Health


In this course it is helpful for you to be in a relatively relaxed and calm state. Feeling this way is necessary for you to be able to integrate new insights and grow, and also for your safety. 


If your mental state is unstable or highly changeable and it is not within your ability to return to a calm state, I advise that this is not the time to attend this course. The kind of mental states to which I am referring include, but are not limited to, the following; 


  • severe depression

  • strong fluctuations of mood

  • mania

  • disturbing or racing thoughts

  • feelings of unreality

  • extreme sleep disturbance

  • paranoia

  • feeling unsafe due to thoughts of self-harm or others feeling unsafe around you

  • addiction

  • extreme and uncontrolled anxiety, or

  • other significant mental health issues or disorders.


These experiences can be very distressing and my advice at this point would be for you to work with a health professional to stabilise your condition.


If, however you are comfortable that your mental health is relatively stable and that you can bring some clarity to any internal mental or emotional challenges that may come up as you reflect and work on your life, you are very welcome to participate, and may experience much benefit.


If you had a severe condition in the past or are currently experiencing a mild to moderate mental health disorder, I would encourage you to engage with support before, during and after the event. Participation is at your own risk, and you are strongly advised to discuss the potential risks and benefits of taking part with a health professional who knows you well beforehand. Sometimes, current or previously challenging experiences do come up during a course. I am also available to discuss your situation with you in confidence if that would be helpful.


If you have decided that you would like to take part, please know that if you feel challenged or overwhelmed, or have questions over the course of the event, I encourage you to reach out to me or your own health practitioner.


Yuan Gong – Understanding Possible New Experiences


What is the Purpose of Yuan Gong Practice


The nine methods of Yuan Gong are designed to work on all elements of human life by increasing the quantity and quality of qi, improving the health of the body, harmonizing the emotions and strengthening the clarity and wisdom of the consciousness. All these elements together support the growth of life in a profoundly transformative way.​


This guide briefly describes some of the experiences a Yuan Gong practitioner may have during the process of positive transformation using the nine methods.


From the perspective of qi transformation, consistent practice results in the practitioner’s qi condition becoming healthier as qi flows increasingly well and the quality and quantity of qi also improve. As part of the process, unhealthy Qi and information in the body and consciousness will naturally transform and normalize, generally leading to improvements in health and an increased sense of wellbeing.


Safety and effectiveness are at the heart of the design of Yuan Gong. When practicing consistently and properly, practitioners should expect the practice to be safe and effective.



What might a Practitioner Experience during Practice


​Yuan Gong practice activates profound change to qi which might give rise to experiences that new practitioners are unfamiliar with. For example, a variety of sensations can result from qi flow and change. These could include feeling light and free, or warm, or heavy or cool. Sometimes there may be feelings of itchiness, numbness, tingles, warmth or cold moving under the skin or within the body.


​While most of the time the process of clearing unhealthy qi and information manifests as improvement of symptoms or clearing of health issues, this process could result in qi reactions, especially when the amount and flow of qi are improved quickly and intensely. These healing reactions are a normal part of Qigong and other practices designed to work directly on qi.


​At the initial stages of Yuan Gong practice, qi reactions can often manifest as a flaring up of the symptoms of existing problems, or the recurrence of symptoms of old problems. They may take place anywhere in the body from a specific area or part, right through to an organ system. For example, when clearing occurs in the lungs, there can be flu-like symptoms or the release of phlegm. When clearing occurs in the digestive system, there can be nausea or diarrhoea. These are common qi reactions.


Qi reactions can also manifest on the emotional level. For example, a practitioner might be practicing consistently and feel angry or sad without any clearly identifiable cause. This is because the body retains the qi and information created by unhealthy emotions, especially those that are intense or frequently experienced. Yuan Gong practice can shake loose old information, especially the methods which work on the organs, as organs are strongly related to emotions.


Qi reactions can also occur on the heart or consciousness level. This type of reaction may manifest as getting stuck in certain negative thought patterns or behaviours. This is relatively rare for beginners. The exception is when you are actively working on the patterns of the heart or consciousness or receiving information for work on patterns in a strong qifield.



What are the Best Ways to Work with Qi Reactions


​When a qi reaction occurs, Yuan Gong practitioners have the ability to help the process of transformation and healing go smoothly and as quickly as possible. How is this accomplished?


​1. Recognize and Accept Qi Reactions as a Natural Part of Growth

It is important to note that when practicing Yuan Gong most positive changes take place without causing qi reactions. If they do occur, an essential part of dealing with them properly includes understanding the function and purpose of reactions. Also, accepting reactions as a normal part of working on qi can help the practitioner navigate them in a healthy, proactive manner.


2. Be Calm and Positive

Maintain a good state while experiencing a qi reaction by remaining relaxed and calm. View reactions as a positive sign of growth and development. Being worried or upset may reinforce the unhealthy qi and information, which could in turn obstruct the transformation and healing process. Being calm and positive will ease the natural process of clearing unhealthy qi and information and help it to go smoothly and more quickly.


3. Use Yuan Gong Practice to Assist the Process

Continuing qigong practice will assist transformation and healing. The practice to use depends on the reaction. For example, a less demanding practice such as pulling qi or dantian breathing may be more helpful if the reaction is on the physical level. If the reaction is on the emotional or consciousness level, a moving practice such as squats, Tian Yuan or Ren Yuan may be more helpful. Of course, if you have an emotional or mental reaction, once it dissipates, it is necessary to work on the underlying causes, especially the patterns.



​How do I Know if I am Experiencing a Qi Reaction or an Illness


​While most of the time you are able to tell if a symptom showing is a qi reaction or a symptom of an illness, from time to time it can get difficult to tell them apart. Both can be helped by being relaxed and calm and continuing to use Yuan Gong to work on unhealthy qi and information. If you have any concerns feel free to contact me to discuss.

Yuan Gong practice does not exclude the use of other modalities should you see the need to do so. We recommend that practitioners take care of their health safely by continuing with appropriate practice and consulting with a health care provider as needed.



Why are the Concepts of Bright Qi or Bright Light included in Yuan Gong Practice


​Qi is invisible to most people. However, it can often be felt and can sometimes be seen, as colour for example. The feeling and colour of qi reflects the state and quality of a person’s consciousness and health.​

Some practitioners may see qi as light and become aware of light inside or outside their own or others’ bodies. qi, which is in a healthy condition, appears as bright light. Positive information can also be visible as bright light. For this reason, visualizing light is used in Yuan Gong practice as a way to connect with positive information and healthy qi.


Life cultivation from the perspective of qi is about elevating, improving and transforming the quality of qi. Working on improving physical health and uplifting– the consciousness brightens qi.


Based on Yuan Gong – Understanding Possible New Experiences guidance and Looking After Your Mental Health guidance by REN XUE International

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